
July 18, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide of AI Infrastructure Deployment

A detailed manual for deploying AI infrastructure with a focus on privacy and security, using open-source tools like Kubernetes, YOLOv8, and Label Studio.

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries, ArkusNexus stands at the forefront of software development innovation. Specializing in full-stack development, mobile app creation, quality assurance, and AI solutions, their approach demonstrates the capability to deliver sophisticated solutions that cater to businesses seeking to utilize AI technologies within a secure and private infrastructure.

Project Overview

The rapid development of AI technologies has opened new avenues for developers to create innovative products. However, most available tools are designed as cloud-based services, which may not always align with project requirements or privacy concerns. Setting up an AI workflow environment in a private infrastructure presents challenges, as the 'as a service' model abstracts much of the underlying complexity.

Fortunately, the open-source community provides a wide variety of tools and resources to address these challenges. This guide aims to help developers and researchers set up the necessary infrastructure and establish a workflow to train or serve an AI model, enabling them to experiment and customize their environment.

This overview uses the example of fine-tuning and serving an image recognition model using open-source tools and technologies. This setup can be installed in a private cloud or on-premises hardware.

Key Components

1. Kubernetes: For easy setup and configuration of third-party tools, Kubernetes is leveraged to quickly integrate a custom app into the environment to serve a model. A basic understanding of Kubernetes components is recommended.

2. YOLOv8 Model: The guide establishes an environment for a simple use case - training and serving an image recognition model using YOLOv8.

3. Workflow Overview:

  - Dataset preparation for fine-tuning

  - Dataset tagging using LabelStudio

  - Model fine-tuning using a Jupiter notebook

  - Custom app deployment for model serving

Tools and Technologies

1. Ultralytics YOLOv8: A real-time object detection framework offering remarkable speed and accuracy.

2. Label Studio: A versatile data annotation tool facilitating efficient labeling of diverse datasets, supporting various annotation types including YOLO format.

3. Jupiter Hub: A collaborative computational environment within the Jupyter ecosystem, enabling seamless deployment and management of multi-user Jupyter Notebook servers.

4. Docker: Provides standardized containerization for applications, ensuring consistency and portability across diverse environments.

5. Kubernetes: A powerful container orchestration platform automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

6. Helmcharts: Simplify the deployment and management of complex applications on Kubernetes, providing pre-configured packages of its resources.


Before beginning, users should ensure the following are installed and configured:

- Docker

- Node.js and cdk8s CLI

- A Kubernetes cluster (cloud-based or on-premises)

- kubectl installed and configured

- Helm 3 installed with necessary repositories added

- MetalLB (if running on custom hardware outside a cloud provider)

- Cluster set up:  

Step-by-Step Guide

1. CDK8s Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Project Setup

The journey begins with setting up a CDK8s project, a powerful tool that allows infrastructure definition using familiar programming languages. This approach revolutionizes how Kubernetes resources are managed, making them more controllable and reproducible.  

2. GPU Operator Installation

The GPU Operator typically works by extending Kubernetes' capabilities to include GPU-specific resources, such as GPU nodes and device plugins. It ensures that GPU-accelerated workloads are scheduled onto appropriate nodes with available GPU resources, manages GPU device drivers, and handles any necessary configurations or optimizations to enable efficient utilization of GPU resources by applications running in the cluster.

3. Creating a Chart for AI Infrastructure

This pivotal stage involves crafting a custom CDK8s chart that serves as the blueprint for the AI infrastructure. Users will gain insights into defining essential Kubernetes resources such as namespaces, deployments, and services. The focus is on creating a modular and extensible structure, setting the stage for a scalable AI environment.

4. Adding Label Studio

The integration of Label Studio marks a significant milestone in the AI workflow. This versatile data annotation tool is deployed using Helm charts within the CDK8s definition. Users will navigate through the configuration process, addressing crucial aspects like persistent storage and resource allocation, ultimately preparing a robust platform for dataset preparation.

5. Integrating Jupiter Notebook

Building on the previous steps, this section guides users through the addition of Jupiter Hub to the cluster. The process mirrors the Label Studio integration but focuses on creating a collaborative environment for data scientists. Key aspects such as user authentication, notebook storage, and resource management are thoroughly explored.

6. Implementing a Custom Serving App

The final step brings together all the previous elements by deploying a custom application for model serving. This section stands out by demonstrating how to define and deploy a bespoke application using CDK8s, moving beyond pre-existing Helm charts. Users will create the necessary Kubernetes resources, configure the environment, and set up networking, culminating in a fully functional interface for the AI model. Each of these steps builds upon the previous ones, gradually constructing a comprehensive AI infrastructure within Kubernetes.

The code for this project is available at GitHub


This project demonstrates the feasibility of leveraging AI technology within frameworks that prioritize security and privacy. By navigating the complexities of cutting-edge AI integration, it sets a precedent for innovation that upholds the integrity of sensitive information.

The approach outlined here shows that it's possible to harness the power of AI while maintaining control over data and infrastructure. This serves as a starting point for developers and organizations looking to implement AI solutions in a more customized and secure manner.

Gratitude is extended to all collaborators and clients whose partnership has been invaluable in this endeavor. As the boundaries of technological advancement continue to be pushed, others are invited to explore the possibilities this infrastructure setup offers and adapt it to their specific needs.

Looking ahead, the future of AI implementation promises to be one where innovation and responsible data management go hand in hand, shaping a landscape that balances cutting-edge capabilities with ethical considerations and security needs.

Case Study from Arkusnexus

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