I'm going to tell you a bit about my experience accelerating growth since being a part of the offshoring development company ArkusNexus (which was right when I graduated from university) and the secret recipe that I have seen from the engineers around me.
The people here seemed super intelligent and unique compared to what I was used to (it is worth mentioning that I am not from the engineering field, so this was a new world for me). At first, I felt lost. I had no idea what to do and how to handle myself. All the teams at our firm are autonomous, and I needed to work closely and cross-departmentally to get the swing of things. This went on for about 3 months. Despite the challenge, I loved being at ArkusNexus.
After those three crazy months, I was given the opportunity to accelerate my growth working alongside one of the founders. More months of madness followed! Actually, about two more years of madness followed while working in this offshoring development company. During this time I was able to participate with management on new initiatives, learn more about our culture, and learn about our teams on a deep level. I got a chance to see that our leadership has a unified way of making decisions, and that they leverage a S.M.A.R.T methodology across all defined goals.
Following that period of time, I felt I was able to contribute to the offshoring development firm in a different way and I wanted to learn more. I began working for the commercial team, and began focusing on business development efforts. My job included telling a story about how we accelerate business objectives for clients through technology and innovation, how we increase ROI with nearshore development, and why we were different.
It’s been four years that I’ve been with this offshoring development company. While I may not have the secret recipe for everyone, I've discovered what’s helped me along the way:
I’ll end with a quote from Winston Churchill that was shared with me recently:"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm."