
January 5, 2021

How Full Stack Web Development can accelerate your progress through technology

A simple way to show the importance of the full stack developer for the success of digital companies without resorting to the technicality that can confuse top managers.

Short Summary

A simple way to show the importance of this role for the success of digital companies without resorting to the technicality that can confuse top managers. 

Executive Summary

In this blog article, we are going to analyze how to easily understand the meaning of what is full stack web development.

This article is intended for senior managers who are not necessarily familiar with tech industry terms, such as web development.

  • We describe issues such as what is full stack web development and expressions close to this concept.
  • We show how a full stack web developer works, the knowledge and skills they need and the types of projects they can develop.
  • We briefly expose some situations in which it is beneficial to have a full stack web developer or full stack development company.
  • Finally, we offer you some recommendations to take into account when making a decision on this matter.

Full Stack Development

The times in which we live have shown how companies and businesses in the real world have an increasing presence in the digital world of websites; Products and services that seemed impossible to bring to the internet have been, for a long time, within the reach of a click.

The new markets for businesses, can no longer be defined simply by considering customers who buy in a physical place; visitors and buyers of a website, now they are the key to achieving the goals of the company because physical borders no longer exist to reach a potential customer. This is why web development is increasingly important; and within this field, “full-stack web development” is essential for success in the digital world.

Although it is a new term in the Information Technology (IT) sector, you can also find expressions such as full-stack engineering or full-stack development which -without wanting to make this article a class Theoretical technology- refer to the same type of activities with some minor differences.

However, the expression where many scholars agree the most on this subject is that of a full-stack web developer, also full-stack developer because it focuses directly on the professional trained to develop a series of tasks that they have made this job one of the most sought after in large companies due to its exceptional ability to start any company project on the web.

If you are a man or woman in any of these roles: entrepreneur, business owner or you work in senior management positions such as CTO, CEO, CIO; In other words, if you are the person who makes decisions on behalf of their firm, we encourage you to find out about this topic that may open new horizons for the business development of your company.

In the following lines, we will talk about the full-stack web developer; but we will try not to be so technical, so that the benefits of having a full-stack web developer can be understood easily and quickly.

What is a full stack web developer

This is a job in the sector of companies that operate on the Internet, where companies can carry out all their business activities or a part of them.

It is a relatively new concept, which defines a type of worker who is capable of mastering a set of skills different from each other, which previously required several people, each a specialist in a certain area.

We tell you in simpler words, as we promised at the beginning of this article: Imagine that you want to build your house; you have the idea of ​​how you want it inside and out; then you go to an architect who makes the plans and defines how the areas will be distributed within your house; then an engineer takes over the construction; But you will also need an electrician to assemble the entire electrical system; and of course, later on, a carpenter is required to assemble doors and closets.

As you can see, these professionals have different skills to make your house a fact. Now, imagine that a single man is capable of performing all the tasks that we said before ... great isn't it?

Well, something similar to this is a full stack web developer, it is what some call: An off-road professional, with varied skills, who executes very well, to bring a complete project to reality.

Speaking in technical terms, in the full stack development services there are two well differentiated work areas when making a website:

1 - What is related to the potential customer or visitor of the site (Front End) and

2 - What is related to the internal part of the website, where things such as site information, products offered, data and requests from the website user are stored and managed. (Back End)

Full Stack Development

How a full stack development program works

Due to the variety of programming languages, applications and tools available for web development, full stack development projects can be categorized according to which programming languages ​​the web developer masters. Thus, we have the following categories of full-stack development according to the tools required:

LAMP stack: requires handling programming languages: JavaScript - Apache - Linux - PHP - MySQL

LEMP stack: requires handling programming languages: JavaScript - Nginx - Linux - PHP - MySQL

MEAN stack: requires handling programming languages: JavaScript - MongoDB - Express - AngularJS - Node.js

Django stack: requires handling programming languages: JavaScript - MySQL - Django - Python

Ruby on Rails: JavaScript - Ruby - Rails - SQLite

To ensure a better service in this field, a full stack development company is able to have in its full stack development team capable of attending all types of web development projects, which may include:

  • Make a website from scratch
  • Develop an application: Full stack application or Full stack web application development
  • Research & Development: Explore how newer technologies may impact your bottom Line.
  • MOBILE: Mobile development with scaling structure for mobile first products.

Who and when do you need Full stack web development.

Even though full stack development may seem like a high-cost service, the reality is that thanks to its intervention in any web development project, you can save many costs and headaches, both for the costs of development and in the future for business evolution or website growth.

A full stack web developer is not exclusive to large companies, it is a necessity for the success of a website or a digital company. Large, medium or small companies, whether trade or services, can benefit from this professional; business owners, entrepreneurs or innovators.

Some of the situations that lead to hiring a full-stack developer could be:

  • To explore a business idea and project the possibilities of bringing it to reality. It is possible to make only one website, without a complete analysis, have negative effects in the future.
  • Create a mobile application taking into account its scalability
  • Migrate a website so that it is accessible from a smartphone without losing functionality; for example a reverse engineering process of a software application due to outdated technology and risk of business failure.
  • When the user or client experience has declined, before a website that has not been refreshed for many years and now you see an outdated, slow and incompatible website with new programming languages ​​that prevent its effective operation.


We hope that with our simple explanation in this blog post, you feel like you already know about what a full-stack developer is.

  • Do not let the technical terms associated with this concept confuse you and prevent you from making the decision to obtain advice on how to learn full stack development and the benefits it can quickly bring to your business.
  • If you have been identified with any of the situations where a Full Stack Developer is required. Do not miss the opportunity to get better information, with a full stack development company where, thanks to their experience, you can have a session of full stack project ideas.
  • Ask to see the full stack development team success stories. Note that the current portfolio spans various industries and technologies.
  • An excellent option to achieve your goals is with a nearshore software development company that can transform contracts from cost-saving initiatives to strategic investment opportunities with long-term ROI.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and if you wish, we will be happy to hear from you.

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