
March 3, 2021

The 5 Value Propositions - Marketing Automation

Presenting 5 benefits of many that you will obtain when implementing Marketing Automation technology in your business.

Some years ago, a mass digitization process for firms in their commercial and marketing areas started, COVID-19 accelerated this for everyone. Now users and clients want their providers to understand their necessities without them having to answer lots of questions, because of that it’s vital to analyze the prospect’s behavior and by doing so, offering something of value to them.

Marketing automation is the technology that allows us to collect data and be able to make correct decisions about the services we are offering, how we are offering them and to whom we are offering them. Below we’ll present to you 5 benefits of many that you will obtain when implementing Pardot as your 'Marketing Automation' tool.

boosting clients knowledge

Boosting client’s knowledge

Pardot is a top marketing automation tool. It has a very sophisticated tracking system that informs you of the traffic that is being generated on your landing pages, emails and social networks in real time. With Pardot email marketing you will be able to tell if a prospect opened an email, clicked on a link or downloaded the attachment that you shared, this gives you guidelines to refine the audiences and segment them in such a way that you will always send content that is valuable for your customers.

conversion range optimization

Conversion Range Optimization 

With Pardot you can automatically segment prospects depending on content tastes, this means that one single prospect can enter different marketing processes taking into account the rules that were established on them. With Engagement Studio you can determine which section each lead should move to depending on their interaction with your content in an email or your landing pages. 

expanding commercial reach

Expanding Commercial Reach

When a prospect achieves an ideal scoring in your process, it is of vital importance to notify a salesperson to contact the prospect. Pardot has the ability to synchronize with Salesforce’s CRM so Marketing and Sales work in close collaboration. By doing this, the salesperson will receive a profile based on the interaction with certain content and can approach him/her with the information that the lead is actually interested in. 

data measurement analytics

Data Measurement - Analytics  

All your efforts must be measurable to be able to understand what adjustments are need to be made to your process or content, Pardot offers you conversion metrics of each campaign you make in a very visual way, you can also visualize the prospecting funnel and thus be able to determine the ROI for it.

marketing automation analytics
increase email prospection

Increase Email prospection

Personally, I am fascinated by Pardot’s email marketing due to the practicality it has to generate email templates, you don’t need to be a developer or a design expert, you can either paste HTML code or use a drag and drop UI to generate impactful emails for clients. On the other hand, all emails can be personalized with information from the prospect and with the help of Engagement Studio you can detect properties that you added within the email and apply a different event action for each one.

marketing analytics

Impel consulting is Arkusnexus’s salesforce speciality division, we work with Pardot in order to have the best business marketing automation solutions, looking to create unique experiences for each group of clients and prospects. We challenge you to fill out our form and see the power of Pardot in an instant.

Learn More about marketing automation solutions

Case Study from Arkusnexus

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San Diego CA 92154 - 349

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